Sunday, November 21, 2010

Scissors antics and car breakdown

It's been a busy week, especially on the scisssors front.  Ashlee has discovered the joys of cutting things, lots of things.  It goes in line with her adorably rather obsessive personality, and we bought her a little toddler friendly pink scissors, and she cuts flowers and grass and paper figures and the wire mesh of the windows, and then....her own hair.

Well she cut her fringe to be exact.  But her and I have had rough hair year, I made the mistake of trying out the pixie cut after having a baby.  Huge mistake, my hair is thick, completely wrong for that style, and I look nothing like Liv Tyler or Gwyneth Paltrow.  And it's been a real lesson, quite disappointing, how society still associates beaty and femininity with long flowing hair.  Its JUST hair, and this medieval belief has slapped me in the face for a whole year.  Having said that, I am painfully, dutifully growing mine out again, I folded under the abuse.  And seeing Ashlee with her self made fringe, I had to admire her gumption, and I thought to myself you go girl, viva the girl who has no social responsibilty.  Love it!

Last Thursday I walked over to my car, started it, and couldn't.  So the day went pear shaped, my fiance had to spend the whole morning in the basement car park trying to diagnose what was wrong, when he had tons of deadlines.  In the end we had to get a very expensive tow truck at peak lunch time traffic in the monsoon style rains, and the truck couldn't fit into the parking garage, so we had to pull the car out, and take it to the mechanic, who still doesn't know what's wrong.  It really was one of those wanting to scream into a pillow days, but what got me through it, and touched my heart and made me want to hug and hug her, was the company of my three year old.  Through all the drama, Ashlee wasn't sad or stressed cross.  She found the whole experience a fun adventure, and kept saying "mama's car got an eina, it's OK, we'll fix it."  And she asked me to take her up to the mall to see the big Christmas tree, so I got to watch the lights instead of the car towing.  It was one of those times when a child can make things easier, not harder, and I was grateful for it.

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