Wednesday, December 23, 2015


She was their titanium mother
driving through mud pools, fearlessly laughing
she was their pillar, finding joy through rain
through long winter nights,
keeping watch over their their animal dreams

Then the light became to strong
the sun shone too long
their eyes reflect her vacuum
their doubt makes listless laughter
on never-ending days of house arrest
they look towards their newly weakened mother
moving slowly, distracted by muted sounds and fog

hoping for a reminder of her heart, once diamond cut
they hesitate, and walk back to their room, quietly
fearing the heavy shadow she pulls now.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


the mind has rooms,
moods and maps
quantifiers of the psyche
an emotional disconnect
between the light and life
a dog chasing tail
a lonely diatribe.

Friday, December 11, 2015

still life

dusty tired optimistic Christmas lights
line the empty streets
an art exhibition life
my chapters are paintings
along the walls
watercolour moments
memories in paintbrush strokes
themed by the curator
dark days, light breaks through,
strange and new