Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Trouble With...

The trouble with her
short hair
when the balance of mummies have long hair

Sometimes she cries
sometimes she needs to be alone
but she tells us that anything is okay
putting stars in our eyes
she dances
because she
works and cooks and never bends
we know she is always just mummy

The trouble with him
he doesn't ever take us to school
he goes to work on the computer for a long time'
he doesn't stay

Sometimes he is tired
sometimes he doesn't listen
but he is always the end of the day
he lets us help fix things
he dries our hair
he never stops trying
he shares his eggs with us
we know he is always just daddy

The trouble with her
she doesn't put the lids back on our pens
she makes too many mistakes
she screams so loudly at the shops
she takes

 Sometimes she smacks
sometimes she doesn't hug back
but she is always the best friend
she plays with me all day long
she and I watch the same movies
she holds my hand
she calls me when I am not there
she follows every move
I know she is always just Natty

The trouble with her
she takes over everything, little queen
she chooses clothes and movies
she tells me no no
she talks too loudly in my ear
she's always here

Sometimes she stands in front again
sometimes she doesn't hug back
but she never stops talking about me
she gets nervous,
Then she lets me have first choice
she wants to helps so much
she gives me the pink cup
she tried to show me, show me, little princess
she follows every move
I know she is always just Ashlee

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