Thursday, January 6, 2011



My thin hand lights a candle for you
Because you became my friend
When I arrived new
Sitting among the rest
Because you fetched me from the library
At break
To join in carols in the hall
Because you remain my friend
Despite my dental plate and pigtails
Because you liked my skinny legs
And read me books

My candle burns
Because you walked barefoot with me
Through shops
And you wait
While I choose sweets
Because you give me sandwiches at break
And explain sums in the afternoon
And sometimes,
You stroke my hair

Because you are my friend
And don’t listen when they say
You are a boy and I am a girl

Because you understand
when I creep away from you
Behind the thick curtains
When you start to cry

My candle wavers and flickers
Because it says
Thank you

1 comment:

  1. They are all stunning. The school friend poem is very powerful.
