Friday, May 4, 2012

Daily Routine

He keeps the car squeaking clean
polished to perfection like his glasses
and checks the handbreak many times
when he drives
when I was the young child
sitting next to him, hands folded,
relaxed in certainty
everything would be safe
there would be no unexpected mistakes
unafraid, I had the constant reminder of certainty
day by day and strength of knowing
this is what I can expect

I have become that person
with the daily routine
I have the same need to know
that the fuel tank will never be below half full
that there will always be a set time
provision for the week, contingency tinged
these two little children
sit in the passenger seats
that this is what to expect.


  1. "contingency tinged" Marvelling at word magic

  2. I am writing up a storm now that the myth of the golden publishing world has been busted ;)
